Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Heath/Powell Wedding-Daufuskie Island our Arrival Walk on the Beach

Sarah Heath and Jonathon Powell, the Bride and Groom, ready to be married and continue a life of love, adventure, and happiness! This is the morning after we arrived Sarah, Jonathon, Lauren, and Casey took Brian and I for a golf cart cruise around the resort including a lovely walk on the beach.

Brian and I, very very excited to be at Daufuskie Island for Sarah and Jonathon's Wedding!

Brian and Jonathon getting a little man to man chat in while Casey & Lauren search for sand dollars for Lauren's future sand dollar tree, while Sarah and I catch up and talk about the exciting upcoming events!

Casey and one of the many horseshoe crabs we found dried up along the beach.

Ladies Spa Day at Daufuskie!

The Ladies Spa Day! (although Uncle Casey had a few services also) Sarah's Aunts treated us to a service at the Daufuskie Island Spa & catered luncheon for our Bridesmaid gifts! Here are some of us getting ready for our treatments: massages, wraps, manicures/pedis, etc.!
Back row: Casey, "The Bride" Sarah, Momma Jane, Lauren, Rachel, front row: Renee, and Jody. Most of the Bridesmaids-missing cousin Ashley & Jr. Bridesmaid A.G.-Sarah's soon to be sister-in-law
Sarah's soon to be sister-in-law and mother-in-law and the Bride enjoying a tasty bite at our catered Bridesmaid Spa Extraordinaire! Yummy fresh fruit & cheese crudite, Ham Salad Sandwiches, champagne, mimosas, and of course something chocolaty!
The Bride getting a spa pedicure while enjoying a Mimosa!
Ms. Rachel and Sarah excited for the celebration!

Jane and Renee relaxed after receiving their spa treatments

Rachel, Sarah's cousin's girl's-the flower girls, who are already sporting low rise jeans :) Jane and Kara Morgan-who came to visit us first upon arriving on the island!

Lauren, Sarah, and cousin Heather waiting for our shuttle to deilver us back to our villas.

Heath/Powell Wedding Rehearsal

The Heath/Powell Wedding Rehearsal-October 31, 2008!
The Pastor, groomsmen Philip and Stephen waiting to get the show on the road.

Zach, the Bride & Groom, Sarah & Jonathon excitedly awaiting to practice for tomorrow's Wedding festivities!

Donald and Jane listening intently.

Bridesmaids minus me-Renee, Ashley, Casey, Lauren, Sarah, Rachel and Heather in the background, what beautiful ladies!

The walk down the isle-AG leading the ladies.

Renee with Ashley sporting her catwalk swagger!

The fellas waiting for the rest of the bridesmaid entourage.

Being Halloween and all, Avery dressed up for the occasion!

Cute little flower girls!

Sarah & Donald

Donald practicing "giving" Sarah away

Donald & Jane excited for the evenings activities!

Jonathon and Sarah are ready an evening of pre-wedding celebrating!