Most of the Record Family was able to get together in October of 2009 for a vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. We stayed at the Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Resort just outside of town. This is a picture of the famous Land's End Arch on the Southern tip of Cabo San Lucas.

Here's glimpses of the resort, it is located on the Pacific side, and unfortunately we weren't allowed to swim in the ocean here because of the tides being so turbulent.

Enjoying the Sky Pool...we spent several days just soaking up the Mexico sunshine laying poolside, overlooking the resort and the Pacific Ocean.

The Sky Pool was a popular place to watch the sunset, Jamie and Stephen would agree.

One of our nights in town we went to Mariscos for a delicious seafood dinner!

While waiting for our shuttle back to the resort, we checked out the Pueblo Bonito Rosa's swimming pools, and found King Titan....thus Brian's pose!

Jen, Jacob, Jamie, Stephen, Brian and I all went on a half day Kayak adventure across the harbor out to the Land's End Arch. Along the way to Lover's and Divorce Beaches we saw several Pelicans and scuba divers.

Jen & Jacob, Jamie & Stephen opted to go tandem kayaking...Brian and I went solo...we've done the tandem thing before and it's just not as fun. It's a good way to test your relationship communication skills, and like I said we've been there done that, solo is the way to go! :)

We also saw several sea lions laying out and swimming around!

Jamie and Stephen taking a break watching the sea lions. The Arch is to their right.

Brian and Dad rented some Harleys for a day trip over to Cabo San Juan up North through the mountains and then East to some little surfing towns and then looping back down around to Cabo San Lucas. Jamie, Stephen, and Jacob went scuba diving meanwhile, and Mom, Jen, and I enjoyed a relaxing day of poolside sun bathing and girl time!

Brian and Dad's Motorcycle Trip ocean view.

Into the mountains.

Harley Men giving a thumbs up.

Dad was born to ride I think...looks so natural!

A little Mexican lunch, I think this was just before Brian ran out of petrol...you should ask him!

Great photo of the live music serenading Dad and Brian during lunch.

Because we willingly sat through a timeshare spiel...let's not talk about this, we were given a free Sunset Dinner Cruise. The Cruise left the main harbor in the heart of Cabo and toured out to the Land's End Arch and then out past our Sunset Beach Resort, and eventually back to the harbor.

The sunset was absolutely beautiful!

Topside was live music and an open bar.

We took this opportunity to get some family photos. Early in the week we were too busy being lazy by the pool sunbathing to get many photos!

Momacita and Me!

Jacob with Jenni in the background

Jamie, Momma Jane, Dad John, Me, and Jenni, and unfortunately missing Julie

Brian and Me his wifey

Jen and Jacob

Dad and myself pretending like we know how to dance...we did pretty well considering we were tipping back and forth and side to side on the boat.

Then we decided to enjoy our most excellent dinner down in the dining room, and leave the rest of the evening to the real dancing professionals.

Jamie enjoying her last day at the resort soaking in the last few rays of the day!

Jamie, Dad, Mom, and I hanging out at the pool on our last day. Brian was out running...a marathon I think up a restricted mountain battling Mexican dogs and security men...just kidding, but he did go for a long run in some questionable territory along the beach :)

I could have stayed a few more weeks in Mexico, it was very relaxing and perfect temperatures! Of course we only had about 1.5 months of summer in Leadville, so you can't really blame me for wanting to stay longer!

Our last evening in Mexico, the sunset set the sky on fire, it was breathtaking!

Mom and Dad, I love this picture!

Goodbye Cabo