The Record Family, spouses and significant others all joined for a few days of Holiday Togetherness at Jen & Jacob's house in Golden, CO! We spent a lot of time playing and watching Joshua, the first and currently only grandchild, son of Julie (Record) and Chris Holser. Here's Grandma Jane reading a story to Joshua by the fire.

Dad, Jamie, and Julie watch Grandma Jane and Joshua reading together, while Toby seeks some attention from Dad.

I wasn't as on the picture taking as Julie and Jamie were, so my picture sequences have a lot of gaps. For one of our activities we went to the Foothills Fire Station where Jen and Jacob are both volunteer firefighters and have put it over a decade of service. The Dept. had just received a new, BIG truck, so we all ventured down to check it out. Jamie and Joshua got to try on a fire helmet, I think they both look pretty good in them.
Here's the Holser Family, Chris, Joshua, and our sister Julie.

Ms. Jamie with her fire helmet on, shield ready, with little nephew Joshua and sister Jen looking on.

Toward the end of the Holiday, after Chris, Julie, and Joshua head back to Oregon, Mom, Dad, Jamie, and Stephen all came to help us finish moving out of our old house and into our new place in Leadville. WE are SO GRATEFUL for this help, as we had a bit more left than we realized. They all stayed the night in Leadville and we all went for a classic breakfast at the Golden Burro. After breakfast we headed toward Denver, and near Idaho Springs met Jen and Jacob at the local shooting range for some shooting fun!
Brian shooting a rifle, not a bad shot!

Jamie was a firecracker with her shooting, she was hot and on target! She has gone before with Jen and Jacob so she did have a little advantage. :)

Jen all bundled up patiently waiting and watching the rest of us firing 22 cal. rifles, hand guns, and a 47 hand gun, which she has the opportunity to do whenever with her hubby!

Dad firing a rifle, and Stephen shooting one of the hand guns. We had paper targets for the 47 cal. guns and little ceramic (?) animal silhoutte targets sitting on the ground for the 22 cal. guns. Mom and Dad used to own rifles way back in the day, so they too had a pretty good shot!

Jenni and Jamie huddling together trying to stay warm! Funny I used to own Jen's hat, which she's borrowing from Jamie, who is wearing my down vest...hmm. :)

Brian and I happy after shooting little ceramic animals! I, only to brag a little, had pretty sweet aim as well, it must be a family thing!

Here' my proof that I was shooting too, I loved the lever action rifle, I felt so cowgirlish just needed my boots and my hat!

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