Boom Days 2009 - Leadville, Colorado
Bobby Lewis, former Camp Director of Adventure Unlimited Ranches, and now School Director of the Link School in Buena Vista, begins the third leg of the Triple Crown Burro Race. He won the first two legs, one in Fairplay, and the second in Buena Vista during Gold Rush Days. The Leadville leg is a 22 mile course beginning and ending in the middle of town, and heading up Mosquito Pass and then back down and around toward California Gulch. If he wins this leg, he is named the Triple Crown Winner, of which no one has won in years.
Bobby Lewis, former Camp Director of Adventure Unlimited Ranches, and now School Director of the Link School in Buena Vista, begins the third leg of the Triple Crown Burro Race. He won the first two legs, one in Fairplay, and the second in Buena Vista during Gold Rush Days. The Leadville leg is a 22 mile course beginning and ending in the middle of town, and heading up Mosquito Pass and then back down and around toward California Gulch. If he wins this leg, he is named the Triple Crown Winner, of which no one has won in years.

The ladies Triple Crown Burro Race, also had a women in the same runnings for the Triple Crown, as she also won the Fairplay and B.V. races. Her name is Karen, who is from Salida, who's husband was a main organizer for the Salida Omnium Bike Race. We got to know them a bit since Brian raced with their teammates and also spent time volunteering. This woman below, however is NOT Karen, this poor women's burro was being a stubborn ass! :)

While we waited for the burro race we walked around town, got some Kettle Corn of course, and checked out some of the mining competition performances. This was a drilling competition with steel drill pieces and pure muscle to see which team in 10 minutes could hammer out the deepest hole. This was a set of brothers who have been doing this together for years.

Here's Bobby at the finish with Dave Bailey behind the camera, Natalie standing behind Wetstone or Welstone, and Cody and Jessie. Bobby did WIN the Triple Crown!! He and Natalie actually drove in from Montana all night and arrived in the morning as he decided last minute to cut their trip short to come back and take a shot at winning the Triple Crown. He did an excellent job!

And the Burro Racing wouldn't be complete if old Curtis Emrie wasn't there. Yup, he's still racing. Although just after he finished, he went to adjust his burro's harness and it head butted him. "Ouch!" I guess it's probably not the first time, he just got a little unedged but was fine.

After the morning of Boom Days it was time to build the chicken coop! Toby couldn't wait!

Brian's brilliant design coming to fruition. All we had to buy for this project was chicken wire, we got palletes from local shops and had the dog house on our property.

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