Sarah Heath & Jonathon Powell's Wedding Ceremony
November 1, 2008 4:00pm a beautiful sunny afternoon on Daufuskie Island. If only this had been a skull & crossbones flag it would have been a perfect symbol for Jonathon on the morning of their wedding. At least the flag made me think of pirates, so we'll go with that. Actually, Brian took this picture and thought it would be funny to sneak it in to all the wedding pictures, but thankfully someone stood in front of it.
Jonathon's Family: Claudia-Mom, Noah-Brother, and his Dad
Philip Carroway, Sarah's brother-in-law Lauren's husband, escorting Mrs. Jane Heath, mother-of-the bride, to her seat.
The Groomsmen & ceremony officiant marching in.
The long wait is almost over... in only a manner of minutes, Jonathon will be the husband of his forever love Sarah!

The walk down the isle from the Inn took two minutes, so I think we all quickened our pace a little to get this show on the road.
Ashlin Grace, Jonathon's sister, led the bridesmaids down the isle.
I followed Ashlin Grace (or AG as we call her), then came Renee...
Then cousin Ashley, who was also just recently married. Casey, Sarah's youngest sister was behind Ashley, then not pictured unfortunately are the other two lovely sisters Ms. Rachel, and Matron of Honor, Lauren.
This little ring bearer is Avery, one of Sarah's nephews, who we had the privilege of hanging out with when he stayed with Sarah last year for about a week. Avery always gave us a wonderful good morning greeting by shouting, "it's good mornin' time," while dancing around. Don't forget being from North Carolina, he has quite the southern draw, it's very cute!
He was also the ring bearer for Lauren's wedding, but this is the first time he actually got to carry the REAL rings, he was pretty pumped!
The groomsmen, looking mighty handsome in their khaki suits. Their ties all were yellow with seaplanes & palm trees, matching the bridesmaids dresses, but Jonathon had a pink tie with seaplanes & palm trees- his favorite! Jonathon, Hunter, Stephen, Zak, James, Philip, and Noah
Donald asked Sarah if he was walking too fast, and she replied," No, Dad, let's hurry up and get up there!" It definitely didn't take them 2 minutes to walk the isle.
What a smile! And what a backdrop, the Atlantic Ocean, something that's been a big part of their lives. Surfing, kayaking, sailing, etc.
Donald, performing his father-of-the bride duties "giving away" Sarah to Jonathon.
The bridesmaid bouquets were not only extremely beautiful, full of rich colors & textures, but were also very aromatic.

More big smiles from the bride & groom.
Maybe it was because they both knew the ceremony was almost over, and now presenting Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Powell!
Yipee! They finally tied the knot! Time to par-tay!
Mr Hunter Morgan escorting Ms. Rachel & Ms. Lauren
Casey & Stephen
Ashley & Zak
Renee & James
Philip & I
A.G. and Noah
Picture we go!
At the end of the isle, we were greeted with hor'dourves including: crab cakes, italian sausage pastry roles, champagne, and various other beverages. The celebration begins!
Close up of Zak...
Brian, Christa, and Zak, all looking fabulous. Even us mountain people can clean up nicely when necessary! The guys traded in their sacred carharts for slacks & rescue t-shirts for button downs and ties. This tells you that this event was very meaningful to them as well!
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