Wedding Reception @ The Daufuskie Golf Club
Zak took a timeout after the wedding ceremony back at the beach cottage to switch off his dress shoes for his dancing shoes! Off to The Club he goes!
The introduction of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Powell to all their friends and family. Sarah & Jonathon definitely lit up the room with their glowing grins! Momma Jane clapping in the center, a very excited, and ready to celebrate Mother-of-the Bride.
Bride & Groom's FIRST DANCE as husband & wife!
Father-Daughter dance. She's so pretty!
Proud Pappa! His favorite hiking buddy now, married, I guess Donald will have to get use to sharing her at a campfire with Jonathon too!
Beautiful and tasty wedding cake. There were different flavors for each layer, I got the lemon cake layer with buttercream frosting. Delicious! Each layer had different piping designwork and pretty flowers on top. Like our wedding, they had chocolate dipped strawberries as well.
Apparently they had a hard time cutting into the cake, weird, but once they got through I think they quickly each took a bite, interlocked elbows and drank champagne. It happened really fast, I think some people missed it.
Some of you may know, that I'm not one to pass up on dancing. Especially, as silly and junior highish as it may seem, the Electric Slide! I think Jamie can appreciate this as her country line dancing equals similar expressions. I'm in the left side of the picture rockin' it with Christa to my front right and Kara Morgan (my old boss Hunter's wife) to my back right!
Mike & Sue are cutting up a rug on the left, and their son Stephen dancing with Renee to the right. Mike always does an excellent job of photographing everyone else, it's time we get him in the picture!
Stephen & Renee
Now, this was an interesting experience. The band they hired was AWESOME they have performed at several of the Heath Family & Heath friends' weddings. They were phenomenal, the musicians so talented, and the vocalists especially AJ were fantastic! So, they invited Sarah and all her bridesmaids up to the stage, made us face the back wall away from the crowd and place our hands on our knees. I'm the one on the far right. As we're doing this the band starts playing the song "shake, shake, shake...shake, shake, shake...shake your booty..." so we're all up there shaking our booties, in front of the entire room, and I looked over at Sarah and asked her if she knew about this. She laughingly said, "Nope" as she shook her booty! It was pretty hilarious. Thanks to Zak & Christa who managed to snap some pics to not miss out on this memory!
Since the band wonderfully embarrassed the bride, they felt it was time the groom, the best man, and the father-of-the bride also experience some humility in the spotlight. Jonathon with a few ques began singing "My Girl" with Hunter and Donald backup singing and dancing. Very amusing, Jonathon did a great job, as he is musically talented, however the other two should stick to their day jobs!
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